Membership Upgrade

Upgrade your apprentice or beginner subscription by choosing one of the options below. This will give you full access to all of the coat making courses in addition to the content you already have.

Monthly Membership

$38 / Month

Monthly access to the full Historical Tailoring Masterclasses, including the coat making projects.

  • Everything in Apprentice Membership
  • Drafting Frock Coats
  • Unlined Linen Paletot
  • Unlined Linen Frock Coat
  • Double-Breasted Wool Frock Coat
  • Enlisted Frock Coat
  • Wool Paletot *In progress

Yearly Membership

$380 / Year

Yearly access to the full Historical Tailoring Masterclasses. Includes access to everything. Two free months compared to the monthly membership.

*Plus sales tax. All prices in U.S. Dollars

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

When you join Historical Tailoring Masterclasses you are fully protected by my 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. If you don’t feel like you’ve received value and you decide you want to cancel any time within the next 30 days, just let me know and I’ll send you a prompt refund.